It was good, not great, though.
This movie could've used a much needed better plot. It was WAY too fast paced for my taste... (spoilers, by the way)
I have some questions about the plot, the beginning made no sense to me at all, why is he being tortured and what does this have anything to do with the story, or what it a coincedence or something? Also, the sprites you edited are VERY bad (I'm sorry, but they were), I know edititing sprites is hard but most of them were really bad (excpet for some, like Mario's swimming sprites) the fighting sprites really need work, though. I know I'm being really negative about this movie (I usually give movies higher scores than this) but I was dissapointed. Also the file size was a huge let down. 6 megs takes a while for 56k if you didn't know that. And the movie was incredibly short so that was a big bummer. Plus it was kind of preditcable, too (If the evil Mario hadn't said the thing about Mario killiong Luigi, I would've been surprised, but it was obvious once he said it, though.). Although it seemed to be kind of random and came out of nowhere because the story was at such a fast pace. At first I thought that he had knocked him out or something but I'm guessing that he killed him.